
Media Convergence and Social Media Concertation Meeting 2019

FEBRUARY 6, 2019 | BRUSSELS, BELGIUM SOMA project’s representatives will join other EU-funded project teams to discuss and share, to learn from each other, and to find synergies and possibilities for future collaborations. This Concertation meeting is a follow up of one of the previous years, and this time new participants from recently launched projects, […]


HELIOS presentation to visitors from Marymount University

FEBRUARY 2, 2019 | HELSINKI, FINLAND  The University of Helsinki team participating in HELIOS presented the project objectives and vision, to visitors and students from Marymount University.


HELIOS Kick-off Meeting

JANUARY 16, 2019 | HELSINKI, FINLAND  The consortium gathered for the first time at Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä, with the aim of introducing the people involved, the management of the project, the different Work Packages with its milestones, deliverables, expected outcomes, among others.