helios. apps

The applications developed through the helios. platform use the functionalities and structured information provided by the helios. core and installed extension modules to add novel social media features and services.

The apps have been developed by the helios. Project Consortium for testing and demonstration purposes, but additional applications or modules can be developed by anyone in the community who is looking to provide novel user-centric services for the helios. platform.

end-user h.apps

Actual applications running on users’ Android smartphones

helios. TALK

helios. TALK allows users to communicate in a fully decentralized and confidential mode with their friends in defined contexts.


  • Adding Contacts: users need to exchange links in order to create a rendezvous key and initiate the communication.
  • One-on-one and group communications
  • Manage different contexts: users can create or remove contexts, define color, link a specific location to a context and add contacts to contexts.
  • Users can create/update and share their profile with their contacts.
  • Users can like/pin messages of their contacts and access them from the Fav(s) tab
  • Users can perform video calls.
  • Users can receive suggestions on next interactions.

First release:  31 December 2020 beta release (current version available for testing on request)

Final release: 31 December 2021 official release

helios. VR museum

helios. VR museum allows users to navigate in a museum and interact with artifacts and other people around, in a shared space.


  • navigation in a three-room museum
  • description of artifacts
  • experience bar
  • interaction with artifacts (like-dislike)
  • interaction with other players (through sound, video, and text)
  • stores user/game analytics in the internal memory

The template of the museum was created by using helios. VR Authoring Tool which belongs to helios. ecosystem. 

First release: available for testing on request

Final release: 31 December 2021 official release

helios. CJ reporter

helios. CJ reporter is demonstrating the Prosumer Journey, from production to the contribution of  pictures and videos


  • Allows users to record videos and publish them anonymously
  • All contributions are stored in IPFS Storage (P2P)
  • Ethereum Smart Contracts are used to manage the interactions between the CJ Reporter h.app and the DApp, which allows access to the CJ content in the IPFS network.  
  • Allows donations that are stored in the CJ h.app – Wallet

First release: 31 December 2020 beta release

Final release: 31 December 2021 official release

service h.apps

Applications used to develop services for end-user h.apps as they combine multiple individual components and modules that per-se don’t have any functionality

Group communications services

A customizable service that caters to different group communications needs, leveraging information about active nodes and contexts in a network, relationships, and associations between users and others. When applicable, user profile information is used, deriving from the HELIOS core and from technologies built as modules on top of the core. Processing of all information is envisioned to take place on each user’s personal data storage. In cases where technical limitations hinder the processing, alternative distributed processing schemes will be explored.


VR authoring tool

A suitable for the project’s concept, IDE that is portable and light-weighted based on Web 3D frameworks, allowing easy authoring of VR experiences. The authoring process will be facilitated by a web interface that enables building a 3D space out of a template, positioning of 3D items in space, and assigning behaviors onto them as a category with inherited properties. This will allow hiding any programming details that are not suitable for non-experts trying to design a VR experience. More specifically, the front-end interfaces of the authoring tool will be developed using a WebGL library such as open-source Three.js (http://threejs.org) that allows the construction of widgets and visualization of 3D information. The backend will be developed in a game engine such as Unity3D that allows compiling VR experiences in high-quality runtime format, including also Android Package (APK) format. Through the authoring tool, curators and users can create virtual experiences that allow for multiple user connections and interaction in virtual spaces. To achieve this result, an executable (VR app) is created through the authoring tool that enables this behavior and acts as the main component for the overall shared virtual experience. The necessary information for interlinking HELIOS core with the VR generated application will be inserted during authoring time.

AR overlays

An interface capable of sharing and overlaying content, information, and experiences over objects in a physical space. A combination of auditory and visual cues can be presented to the user, combining 2D and 3D content in a way that does not limit the situational awareness or in other ways hinder the current actions of the user. Off-the-shelf hardware and open source libraries and tools will be used when possible. AR overlays communicate with neuro-behavioral classifier modules to characterize the reaction of how people are reacting with the AR content, showing it in the interface.

Digital Mobile Wallet

The Digital Wallet allows end-users to access or observe tokens and services related to their rewardable activities in HELIOS Apps. They identify their required Decentralized application (DApp) and create or import an identity. Next, they acquire tokens in order to buy, transfer, and use services (e.g., streaming TV). The Digital Mobile Wallet Application covers the following core functions for users:

  • Account and identity registration
  • Receipt of HELIOS Tokens
  • Send HELIOS Tokens to other users